Health Benefits of Cumin Seed: An In-Depth Guide

Also known as jeera, cumin seed has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. What are the health benefits of cumin seed? How do you make jeera water? Why would you want to use black cumin seed oil? Is this plant safe to use?

Read on to find out the answers to all these and numerous other questions.
Benefits of Eating Cumin Seeds Daily: Nutritional Value
Warming, earthly, and spicy, cumin seeds are packed with dietary minerals. Their intense taste means that you can only eat a small amount of them. Still, a mere teaspoon (2.1 grams) of these seeds contains:
- 8% of the recommended daily intake of iron. Your body uses this extremely important dietary mineral to deliver oxygen to the cells. If you suffer from anemia, spice your foods using cumin to replenish your iron reserves. It is also recommended that you use lemons or limes together with cumin. Citric acid and vitamin C found in citrus fruits improve the absorption of iron from plant sources;
- 3% of the RDI of manganese. Manganese is required for bone health and the protection of cells from free radicals;
- 2% of the RDI of calcium. Calcium is essential for the strength of bones and teeth;
- 2% of the RDI of copper. Copper is important for numerous enzymes.
What’s more, this same teaspoon of cumin seeds also offers 1% of your daily requirement of protein. Not bad for tiny seeds!
If you are looking for easy-to-use ground cumin seed, this organic product will be an excellent choice:
Ground Cumin Seed by Frontier Co-op

- 50 grams (1.76 oz)
- Organic & non-GMO
Benefits of Cumin Seeds for Skin, Digestive Health, and Food Safety
Cumin seeds contain copious amounts of such potent antioxidant compounds as flavonoids, terpenes, and phenols. Antioxidants protect the cells of your body from harm caused by chemically active free radicals. Antioxidant-rich foods promote longevity and delay aging. Use foods high in antioxidants (like cumin seeds) to keep your skin smooth, supple, and youthful.
Several studies have also found that cumin seeds and extracts promote digestion by boosting the activity of digestive enzymes. They also help increase the release of bile and improve symptoms of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). So, it is an excellent idea to add ground cumin powder to foods that are hard to digest.
Not only do these seeds help you digest your food better and faster, but cumin also protects you from harmful bacteria. These seeds were found to have strong antimicrobial properties. What’s more, they reduce the risk of food-borne infections. For this reason, this spice is extremely popular in countries with hot climates.
Last but not least, test tube studies suggest that cumin seeds have an anti-inflammatory effect. Foods that reduce systemic inflammation can help you avoid the development of numerous chronic health conditions.
Benefit of Cumin Seed for Weight Loss and Diabetes
There are studies that suggest that concentrated cumin supplements can help you lose weight. Still, the effect of cumin on body weight is limited. These seeds can speed up your digestion and even reduce inflammation in the body. Unfortunately, they won’t be able to burn fat deposits.
To lose pounds effectively, you need to do more than merely add cumin to your diet. You also need to limit your daily caloric intake and restrict refined carbohydrates. Do your best to avoid processed foods high in unhealthy fats, and exercise regularly.
Overweight people are known to be prone to prediabetes. Fatty tissue (especially in the area around the abdomen) makes cells more resistant to insulin. In a 2015 study cumin supplements improved early symptoms of diabetes in overweight people.
What’s more, there are studies that suggest that routine use of cumin as a seasoning can help people with type 2 diabetes control blood sugar levels.
Cumin Seed: Blood Cholesterol and Heart Health
Cumin is also known to improve blood cholesterol levels and decrease unhealthy triglycerides. In one 2014 study women took 3 grams of cumin (a heaping teaspoon) two times a day. They demonstrated higher levels of HDL (or “good”) cholesterol compared to those who didn’t take these seeds.
Persistently high cholesterol levels are dangerous to the cardiovascular system. Excess cholesterol creates deposits on the walls of blood vessels, which makes it difficult for blood to flow. If these deposits break and form a clot, this can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
Then again, there are some studies that reveal no changes in cholesterol levels. Additional research is definitely needed to find out more about this plant. Still, adding cumin seeds to your dishes is a pleasant and savory way to take care of your heart health.
How to Use Cumin as a Seasoning
You can experiment with cumin in a number of ways:
- Add it to the mixture of spices you rub into grilled fish or chicken
- Mix it with chopped vegetables and yogurt
- Add it to your rice or couscous
- Use it together with chili
- Sprinkle cumin seeds over your salads.
These whole cumin seeds will be an excellent choice for your dishes:
Cumin Seed by Starwest Botanicals

- Organic whole seed (454 grams or 1 lb)
- Reputable brand
What Are the Health Benefits of Cumin Seeds Water (Tea) in the Morning?

Cumin seed water (also called jeera water or tea) is a great alternative to using cumin as a spice. This herbal remedy has been used in India and the Middle East for several millennia.
Among the alleged benefits of cumin seed water (tea) are:
- It improves symptoms of heartburn, bloating, and gastroesophageal reflux disease
- Helps patients with irritable bowel syndrome
- Helps reduce blood pressure
- Reduces systemic inflammation
- Acts as a potent antioxidant
- Improves memory
- Protects liver
- Helps you lose weight (you can also use Jeera water with apple cider vinegar for maximum effect)
- Improves insulin sensitivity and reduces your blood glucose levels
- Helps you stay hydrated.
What’s more, some people believe that jeera water also has aphrodisiac properties. To achieve this effect, consume it with black pepper and honey.
As described above, many of these health claims are supported by modern medical research. All the more reason to start enjoying jeera water!
How to Make Jeera Water: Two Ways
Here is the easiest possible (or ‘lazy’) way to prepare jeera tea:
- In the evening, bring water (2 cups) to a boil in a small saucepan.
- Add cumin seeds (1-2 heaping teaspoons) to the water and cover the saucepan with a lid.
- Let the water steep overnight.
- Strain and drink your jeera water in the morning. You can also add some lemon juice/black pepper/ apple cider vinegar/sweetener to this wholesome drink.
Alternatively, you can make a more concentrated jeera tea. It is this version of the drink that is used in traditional medicine. It will require a bit more of your time:
- Add jeera (1-2 heaping teaspoons) to water (2.5 cups) and bring water to a boil.
- Cover your saucepan with a lid and let your water simmer for about an hour.
- Strain the water and let it cool down a bit. Enjoy!
Benefits of Cumin Seed Powder vs Whole Seeds
Some people enjoy chewing cumin seeds. Still, finely ground cumin offers a higher bioavailability of the compounds it contains. The health benefits of chewing cumin seeds are limited by the strength of your teeth. On the other hand, ground powder requires no chewing at all to be fully absorbed in the intestine.
Then again, there are studies that demonstrate that cumin has anti-inflammatory properties. For this reason, chewing the seeds of the plant might be good for the health of your mouth. There’s more than one way to skin a cat, as they say.
What Are the Benefits of Eating Cumin Seeds on an Empty Stomach
Jeera water and cumin seeds can be of great help if you suffer from morning sickness. Still, the real efficacy of this remedy is not known. You have to try it for yourself to find out whether it really works in your case.
Ginger is another time-tested traditional remedy for morning sickness. Give it a try if everything else fails. Such popular beverages as ginger ale and ginger beer can very quickly relieve nausea.
Ginger ale is a totally alcohol-free beverage. The ginger beer features a very small amount of alcohol (0.5%) and is also considered to be alcohol-free. Ginger beer offers significantly higher concentrations of ginger. It might be a better choice than ale if you suffer from severe morning sickness.
Cumin Powder and Seeds: Safety

Cumin seeds are safe for you if taken in small doses (up to 2 teaspoons a day). This fact is proven by multiple modern studies and millennia-long traditions. While there are documented allergic reactions to cumin, they are very rare.
If, on the other hand, you want to use much higher doses of these seeds, consult with your doctor first. The same goes for concentrated cumin extracts. These supplements are known to provoke dizziness, nausea, and stomach pain in sensitive individuals.
What Are the Health Benefits of Black Cumin Seed Oil?
First of all, cumin (Cuminum cyminum) and black cumin (Nigella sativa) are entirely different plants.
Black cumin is well-known in traditional medicine in the Middle East, India, and countries of North Africa. It is even believed that the prophet Mohammed has said that this plant can heal all diseases except death
There are still not enough scientific studies on the properties of black cumin. Available data suggests that this medicinal plant:
- has potent antioxidant properties
- improves memory
- supports weight loss
- demonstrates anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antimicrobial activity
- reduces blood pressure
- reduces blood sugar levels
- is effective against parasites
- improves male fertility
- relieves the symptoms of allergic rhinitis
- slows down the spread of cancer cells
- reduces hair loss
- speeds up wound healing
- reduces acne
- helps spread melanin within the skin and improve symptoms of loss of pigmentation in the skin (vitiligo).
Oil produced from black cumin seeds is not toxic if used in small doses. The same is also true for the seeds themselves. Scientists agree that additional research into the health benefits of this plant is still required. Still, black cumin seed supplements are a time-tested remedy. You can use it to improve symptoms of numerous chronic and acute conditions.
This black cumin seed oil for internal use comes from a well-known reliable brand:
Black Cumin Seed Oil by NOW Foods

- 60 softgels
- 1 gram of oil per serving
- Also contains sunflower oil.
This cold-pressed black cumin seed oil can be used either internally or topically:
Organic Black Seed Oil (liquid) by Nature’s Way

- 236 ml (8 fl oz) or 47 servings
- Cold Pressed & Unrefined
- Certified Organic
Now you know what are the health benefits of cumin seed. No spice, food, or supplement, however, is a magic bullet. To maintain good health, it is essential that you have a balanced diet. Also, you should never forget about the importance of exercise.